Sunday, September 29, 2024

Our world

There goes 2024 too, since it will soon be October!!

Was going through my blog and realized that I have posted at least once each year since the start of this blog. I do not want to break at least this.

Wars are rumbling around, and the world seems to not have changed an iota even after technology advanced. Imagine if all this tech is used only to give ease and happiness to humans instead of death and destruction? Is the dream of life beyond this world stopping many to give up on this world? Are you sure you can enjoy the next one (if there is one) if you have not been able to do so out here? 

This is our world. This is where we have to love ourselves and ours. No one else shall do it for us.

Anyway, as I was wondering how this world is going to be, came across this article which looked interesting. 

Happy birthday, baby! What the future holds for those born today

An intelligent digital agent could be a companion for life—and other predictions for the next 125 years.

But then if you want to imagine a more promising and exciting world: 

What might the world look like in 2050?

So, in 30 years time, what kind of world might we be living in?
Right now, inventors and entrepreneurs at Imperial College London are developing world-changing ideas that could transform our relationship with the planet. For over ten years, the Grantham Institute has supported students, researchers, business and startups to transform bright ideas into useable products that both create prosperity and help tackle climate change. Here is our vision, inspired by their work, for a cleaner, greener, fairer future for us all.


August 15, 2024

Thursday, December 28, 2023


Our life is measured by milestones and the majority of us cannot escape it's hold on us. When we are born, our parents count the milestones. Our first word, first steps, and it goes on until one is put in school. And from there, we take over the counting. As children, all we ever wanted to do want was play. I can still remember the excitement and the anticipation that one had when the time came to play. In those days it used to be any game and mostly outside. And then we ourselves started to give more importance to the milestones and forgot to enjoy the journey itself.

One such milestone happened in my life too; our daughter's marriage. Only when the time started to plan the wedding ceremony did it dawn upon me that she will soon leave to start her own family. Yes... I panicked and lost sleep too. I wanted to have more of her in the short that time that one had which was impossible. 

I try telling others to enjoy the time when they have their baby or when they are going to school. But then there is no use, since all are counting milestones and only a few are lucky to enjoy all the lovely moments in between.

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