Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I wish..

Let me believe in re-birth. Only this will comfort me at the moment. What else can I say after reading the headlines of today's newspapers..

Saudi woman strip-searched for having coffee with a man.. and she was stripped by men!

My only wish is that all those men are soon reborn as women. Let them enjoy the delights of being a woman.

Monday, February 4, 2008

What a mess!

I think I am close to the plan.. LOL.

The authorities have managed to transform a peaceful, smoothly running traffic to the worst traffic nightmares one can ever conjure.

It all started with the construction of a roundabout on the Airport road. There was never a need for one since there was never a problem, but then we thought they had conjured up something good! Little did we realize how it could affect our whole to and fro trip to our work place! Luckily there is a vast no man’s land which is now used by almost all the vehicles to avoid this wondrous creation. It is a ride through the sands but it is much better than the present chaos.

But I would like to see the Engineer who drew the plan for this motorway...(very close to what I did, I am sure!) I mean people have quietly accepted this road and he is getting away with it. But does anyone benefit from traffic jams? Beats me!

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