Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Idiot Box is being appreciated!

Is TV empowering women in rural India? Yes.. this is what research says.

We see many of the women folks addicted to the TV and the household chores are adjusted around this idiot box. Even prayer time has been shifted so that the serials are not missed. We see them cry, laugh, pray while watching these dramas. Telephone calls and visitors are seen as intruders during this time. And when one visits them, the TV is still there and one is lucky if one gets a cup of tea or a full statement from the host!

But now as per the research, TV is empowering the rural women. It is found that:

1- Girls between the ages of 6 and 10 were 8 percent more likely to go to school
2- The share preferring sons fell 20 percentage points with the arrival of cable, compared with a 12 percent decline overall (this is what I liked most). I guess they found that the girls are after all not that bad!
3- For women under the age of 35, average number of births fell annually by more than half.
4- Women’s autonomy has increased. (Men take care!)
5- Average number of situations in which women said that wife beating is acceptable fell by about 10 percent ( I cant believe there are still women in this century who thinks like this!)

Long live the idiot box!

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