Saturday, October 6, 2007


Here comes the I-Pill.. the one solution to your reckless moments. The advertisement has been so frequent and clear that even the kids have it imprinted in their minds.

So what can we expect out of this?

More promiscuity?
More rapes?
More extra-marital affairs?
More teenage puppy loves and broken hearts?

And how subtly they have worded it.. unwanted pregnancy. If it was unwanted then why go for it in the first place?

And has any doctor published the side-effects of these drugs? I am sure any drug will have its own side effect. I read that most of the enquiries came from men. Why? Are they happy that now they can enjoy the moments and pop a pill into their partner’s mouth for peace of minds.. after all, the killing part will be done in their partner’s womb and not his.

Whatever they may call it, this is just another quick fix abortion. But please stop calling it otherwise.


Has he has lost it?

Power corrupts and we are seeing it. Until this time, he never reached the office of the CM and finally when he got it, he seems to have lost his integrity. It is time he resigned like Anthony. When Anthony could not keep up his clean image, he resigned. Maybe it was weakness from his part but then it was better than to lose the trust a multitude of people placed upon on you.

V.S. sent 3 of his best men to Munnar with great speeches but now the same team has been replaced with more efficient members. Why?
The Public Works is in great need of a Minister, yet the CM does not want to take a decision. He prefers to wait for the tainted Joseph to return.

Is it time to measure the land of our CM too?

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