Saturday, May 12, 2007

Along the Memory lanes..Coonoor

The FM is playing George Micheal’s song and it transports me to Coonoor and for a minute…. The sun is shining and I am on my bed with my favourite Reader's Digest. The window is open and the sun is streaming in. The rose flower under the window is slowly changing its color, I remember the pink color when I opened the window but now it would be yellow! We are going out to the town and I look forward to the shopping and the Chinese lunch afterwards. The town is always busy with a variety of faces, mostly honey-mooners. The botanical garden is also full. My sister's daughter is with us and she is naughty sometimes.

How I miss those beautiful places and those times. In fact every time I left the place after my holidays, in the car, I used to take a good look at the place and in my mind say good bye wondering whether I will ever see the place again. Even when I was young when the beauty of the hill station where I used to live overwhelm me, I used to think that God would put me in a desert for the rest of my life and it has come true. I had no other choice though I never wanted to come to this desert. But life is like that!

How I miss the cats and dogs that we used to have in our home. They are truly man’s best friend. A human friend may never offer ny consolation but animals do. Just take a look at the brown and loving eyes of your dog! How faithful he is. For him you are his everything and your happiness means to him a lot. He is not selfish but very magnanimus. Can a human friend be such. I wonder. And cats... they have a perosnality of their own...

Been Thinking of Marriage..

Marriages are indeed made in heaven! There is absolutely no doubt in this theory! Who other than the Almighty can find you the perfect match.

....someone who discovers your character faults.. (even u never knew it ever existed!)
....someone who compliments u for the best in u!
.. somone who makes u change u for the best or for the worst...

but then, if the marriage planned in heaven is to work on earth we have to be flexible and tolerant else it will go for a toss!

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