Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Cross

Lately I have been getting many forwards on the cross. It is mostly about the cross that each one of us has to carry on this journey of life. If you look at the meaning of the word cross in this context it says “a difficulty in somebody’s personal life that is particularly testing, troubling, or painful”.

We all have to carry our crosses and there is no escape from this. But there are many who would like to escape from this and hence resort to drugs, liquor or other quick fixes which this world currently offers. But as depicted in these pictures, these quick fixes can never help you. You may feel that you have shed your worries or your troubles but a time comes when you are suddenly woken up from the false comfort and find that there is no escape. The cross that you ought to have carried would have equipped you to move forward but you discarded it for something temporary. Some then resort to do away with their life, since they did not gain the fortitude to carry it forward.

Whatever your cross, whatever your pain, there will always be sunshine, after the rain ....

Perhaps you may stumble, perhaps even fall, but God's always ready, to answer your call ... HE knows every heartache AND sees every tear,

"God always sends rainbows .... after the rain ...

Bin Laden

I keep wondering if Mr. Bush and Laden have secret moments over the communication system.

Hey Bin.. time for another tape man.. my polls are yet again going down and they want our boys to get out of Iraq. Why don’t you give those shivering brains a scare in your usual style and please don’t forget to mention September 11.
No problems Bushy boy.. as along as you don’t let your boys come anywhere near my bunker.

Sept 11 – 2001. And today it is more than 5 years and the world’s largest and most sophisticated military power is not able to capture their number one enemy. Even when they have considerable power over the countries like Afganistan and Pakistan, Bin Laden seems to keep shifting his hiding place every day. My puny brain is not able to digest these facts. Help me God!

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