Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Get Paid for Blogging

I have been figuring out various ways to make money while blogging. Me greedy eh? not at all.. I think it is fun.. so now I have one more way to go! By signing up with Smorty. You get paid for blogging!

Smorty is a service connecting advertisers with bloggers. Advertisers can pay bloggers to write opinion posts with links back to the advertisers site. You get paid for blogging, blog advertising, etc.

Please make sure you write 150 - 300 words. I missed that rule the first time.

Their assignments are simple and easy to do and their site is very user friendly.. but above all you will know how much money you are going to make the minute you take up their assignments. I have only started with them and I am eager to take up more assignments as soon as my first post is approved. They will ask you to review other sites of interests and you can even take advantage of those sites by visiting them yourself. They have travel sites, grocery sites etc.

So here I am... just beginning to enjoy the fun...and hopefully make some money too!

why dont u join me by signing up with them?

1 comment:

  1. I was not aware or did not think of this point until you mentioned in your post. Perhaps the media has an agenda in projecting Haryana as one of the frenzied State in matters of rape.
    If you remember, not so long ago we had a comrade Chief Minister in Kerala who rubbished rape and likened it to having a cup of tea. He said that in the West it was like having a cup of tea and nothing more.
    If the alleged reason for provocation is dressing and women themselves , not so long ago Kerala must have had the most serious rape mella as men may have had violent libidos as woman were not allowed to cover their breast.

    The reason is simple. Lackadaisical law and its discriminatory application; Woman’s unwillingness due to the social stigma that the hypocrisy of the society that tag her unfairly even though she is the victim;
    Most of all lack of stiffer punishment on the statute.


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